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Dedicated to your Forex success since 2009
For over a decade, Rimantas Petrauskas has been a trusted and influential name in the Forex industry, renowned for his expertise and innovative contributions. Creator of the acclaimed Local Trade Copier™ and founder of EA Coder, Rimantas has consistently delivered high-quality tools to improve and simplify Forex trading.
His journey began as a trader himself, where he experienced firsthand the challenges and complexities of the Forex market. He noticed the lack of accessible, user-friendly tools that could help traders understand and navigate the market more efficiently. This realization sparked a drive within him to develop solutions that would fill this gap.
With the vision to empower traders around the globe, Rimantas created the FxMagnetic™ Indicator and Autotrader (EA). He recognized the struggle that many traders face – a lack of reliable strategies and the uncertainty of trade outcomes. His intention was to craft a tool that would not only provide clear, optimized signals based on popular candlestick patterns but also improve traders' win rates and confidence in their strategies.
The FxMagnetic™ is a testament to Rimantas' commitment to aiding traders in their journey. It is his belief that with the right tools and knowledge, anyone can navigate the Forex market successfully. This passion and dedication continue to drive his innovations and make a positive impact on the Forex trading community.
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Donna Edwards
Lectus vertis tempor semper venena platea proina sagitt ipsume laoret dolors intege lacusa minim vulput evenie portti.
Helen Edwards
Dolors tempor intege venena proina lacusa semper minim portti platea ipsume evenie laoret vertis lectus vulput sagitt.
Kenneth Collins
Laoret sagitt vertis platea proina vulput minim evenie ipsume lacusa dolors portti venena lectus semper tempor intege.
Helen Hill
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